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Lack of sleep worsen Diabetes

More evidence on the benefits of sleep for health. Recent research has shown enough quality sleep and can help stabilize blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with diabetes are advised to regulate sleep patterns.

Lack of sleep is known to cause or a disruptive effect on the health of the human body. That is because when a person sleeps, the body will naturally detoxify the body to expel toxins. Especially for patients with diabetes.

A recent study shows, as lack of sleep, the more elevated blood sugar and make it harder to fight the disease. The researchers compared 40 patients with type 2 diabetes with 531 people without diabetes.

The researchers studied the possible relationship between quality of sleep, blood sugar, and other measures to combat diabetes.

"We found in people with diabetes, there is a correlation between lack of sleep and worse glycemic control," said research leader Christian Knutson, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, USA.

"We do not want the relationship to people without diabetes to see," he told HealthDay.

The conclusion from this study published in the May issue of the journal Diabetes Care. Previous research has some relation between diabetes and sleep quality. Knutson said, it was just an association, not cause causality.

"This suggests that patients with diabetes more susceptible to the effects of sleep," he added.

"But that could be viewed both ways. For those who can not control their diabetes, experience worse sleep than those who do it," said Knutson.

"We need to discuss the role of sleep in diabetes," he added.

For the study, participants Knutson monitor sleep patterns with activity monitors mounted on his wrist. "If he is a great movement of the arm, which means he's still awake," he said.

The study participants also reported their sleep quality. The researchers found that diabetics who sleep 23 percent higher levels of fasting glucose, fasting insulin levels 48 percent and 82 percent higher insulin resistance than those with diabetes who have slept normally.

"These findings tend to reflect what is in clinical practice," said Dr. Joel Zonszein, director of the Diabetes Center at Montefiore Medical Center, New York, USA.

But he showed that the results not the question "ayamtelur" answer. "They can not tell us whether the blood glucose will be higher due to insomnia or patients with a higher sugar content will suffer from sleep disorders. Or are there other factors that cause," said Zonszein.

Zonszein often noted, people with type 2 diabetes are overweight and obese people in general, the quality of sleep loss. Obesity is known to be associated with the disease, patients with sleep apnea breathing frequently at night stop and then wake up.

According Zonszein and Knutson, the message you want conveyed in this study is that patients with diabetes see their quality of sleep.

"If there is no research on sleep is done, they (patients with diabetes) may want to see the doctor (ask what to do," said Zonszein.

Reducing stress is easier said than done, a different goal for patients with diabetes who do not sleep. "Many people are stressed, and they do not sleep well," he added. "Do not wait for the doctor to ask about sleep," Knutson said.

"People with diabetes should seriously think about sleep patterns and talk to your doctor about this," he added.

Meanwhile, previous studies mentioned, someone less sleep less than six hours per day, three times more likely to develop diabetes and heart disease have.

Studies by a team of researchers from Warwick Medical School and the State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, the United States have found that short sleep is associated with an increased risk of pre-diabetes, known as a incident impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG).

IFG means your body is unable to regulate glucose as efficiently as it could be done. Those who have IFG had a greater risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

The study looked at data from 1455 participants enrolled in the Western New York Health Study, six years was published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology. All persons aged 35 to 79 years, and she completed a clinical examination including measurement of blood pressure, height and weight.

They also completed a questionnaire about general health and sleep patterns. Chairman of the team of researchers at Warwick Medical School, Dr. Saverio Stranges, say, less than six hours sleep is closely related to three-fold increased risk of having IFG compared with those who slept for an average of six up to eight hours a night.

This is the first study that looked at the relationship between sleep duration and IFG. According to Stranges, there are several ways in which the loss of sleep may be a disorder of glucose metabolism to activate.

"Some previous studies showed that short sleeping time resulted in an increase of 28% a level that stimulate the appetite hormone ghrelin, that dietary habits influence. Several other studies also that lack of sleep can glucose tolerance less and increased production of cortisol, a hormone that affects the level of stress, "he added.


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