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Slender Secret Victoria Beckham

Having three kids does not make Victoria Beckham's body relaxed. In fact, he seemed much more slender than when not married to David Beckham. It is physically present to impress quite fresh, but nevertheless, many people are wondering what prescription slim woman who now prefer to be the designer of this.

And Posh, honestly say that slim body is the result of hard work and strict diet. In Allure magazine that interviewed him, Posh said, "I wouldn't lie, I'm not the type who will say, 'Oh, I still ate a hamburger'. I just have a salad. And I start each day by drinking a double espresso. Then I practiced with running machine, and I ran as hard as I can. "

35-year-old woman was also criticized other celebrities who claim to eat whatever they want, thanks to their metabolism is good. Because, we also would not believe such recognition. To be slim and healthy body, we have to keep eating and exercise patterns, and that's what other celebrity would do. Indirectly, Posh also denied saying his own mother, who once commented that the boy ate so much, when asked why he was so skinny.

There are other unique things revealed in the interview. Posh also admitted that he always slept without clothes on, and glad to go to bed with her husband. No wonder when asked, which he chose: whether to make love or sleep, Posh said, "I got into bed with David Beckham every night, so there must be something wrong if I say 'sleep'."

Editor: din

Source: Marie Claire
Source : Kompas.com

Six New Facts About Cholesterol

What do you know about cholesterol? The average person knows that cholesterol can lead to heart disease or high blood. But there are some other facts that are rarely known about cholesterol.

High cholesterol found in the blood is dangerous for anyone, but sometimes cholesterol can be found in very low levels in certain people. Cholesterol is too high or too low risk for certain diseases.

Here's some other facts about cholesterol, as quoted by CNN, Friday (27/11/2009), namely:

1. High cholesterol can not be inevitable in some people. Sometimes a lot of people who have high cholesterol due to genetic factors. So that high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) are always in unhealthy levels. People who have inherited hiperkolestrolemia usually 2 gene from each parent.

2. High cholesterol can be seen from the skin. Usually people know that high cholesterol after a doctor's examination. But high cholesterol can occur in the skin as a reddish-yellowish bumps known as Xanthomas. Its size varies and is usually found in the joints, hands and eyelids.

3. Cholesterol too low can be dangerous. Cholesterol levels are too low is not good for health. Researchers showed that pregnant women tend to lower cholesterol levels gave birth to premature babies, as well as in adults can cause anxiety and depression.

4. Exercise increases good cholesterol. Recent research published dalan Journal of Lipid Research shows that exercise can increase good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. Sports are not required to be heavy but with only mild exercise.

5. Cholesterol-free foods can still produce cholesterol. Cholesterol is usually made in the liver of animals and are only found in various foods derived from animals such as meat, milk and eggs. Sometimes cholesterol obtained from food processing such as by frying or baking.

6. High cholesterol can cause erectile dysfunction. Swedish researchers in 2005 found that men who have koesterol levels of 270 mg / dL or more had 4.5 times more likely experience erectile dysfunction high.

For that know exactly how you koleterol levels, whether including high or low cholesterol. Apply a healthy lifestyle to avoid health risks that might arise.

(ver / ir)
source: http://health.detik.com

Healthy Without the Expensive Costs

Want to stay healthy in these tough economic times is not easy. Want to go to the doctor's expensive, take fitness classes also do not need to cost a bit. Is there an effective and inexpensive way to stay healthy?

When he was sick, one must spend a lot of money to be recovered again. The good news for the healthy do not need expensive costs.

"You do not need expensive fitness into a place only for the sport and want to be healthy," said Steven Blair, PhD, a professor from the University of South Carolina as reported by WebMD, Tuesday (24/11/2009).

Only with active for 150 minutes a week, the body can be healthy and disease risk was reduced. "Just by walking, gardening or doing homework can make the body stay fit," said Blair.

Other healthy alternatives can be obtained from inexpensive foods like beans, nuts, cereal or frozen vegetables.

"Frozen vegetables have more nutritional well as frozen immediately after harvest so that the high antioxidant content than fresh vegetables are wilted or damaged easily," explained the expert harvest, Allyson Mitchell, a PhD from the University of California.

Cooking at home is also a healthy alternative that should be cheaper than eating out. A survey proved that people who often eat at home less affected by obesity than those who frequently eat out.

But if you've been prescribed medication by doctors and thought could be cured simply by eating healthy foods or exercise, you are wrong. A survey show that 7 percent of prescriptions that doctors have never been redeemed by the patient because of no money or lazy.

"Patients usually choose not to take medication if the conditions are not too serious as high blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes type 2. But despite the condition is not dangerous, but if left can be deadly," said Mitchell.

If the economic problems stress you out, you should see to it that the body can not stress bandwagon. "If you're too stressed from too much sitting, then move on and find ways to relieve stress such as breathing techniques, relaxation or watching a funny movie," said Lee Berk, PhD, a psychologist from the Loma Linda University, California.

Source: detikhealth.com

Diabetes mellitus II (In Pregnancy)

Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy or often called gestational diabetes mellitus, diabetes is a disease that occurs in women who are pregnant mothers. The main symptoms of this disorder in principle the same as the main symptoms of diabetes, other diseases are frequent urination (polyuri), always feel thirsty (polydipsi), and often feel hungry (polyfagi). Only difference is the current state of the patient was pregnant. Unfortunately, the discovery of cases of gestational diabetes cases largely due to chance because the patient will not feel something strange about him other than pregnancy, and frequent urinary symptoms and many eat too common in normal pregnancy.

As with diabetes in general, the examination of blood sugar in a high value on fasting blood sugar levels and 2 hours after eating and when done checking sugar levels in urine (urine) also found a positive reaction. This examination can be repeated during the treatment with the drug antidiabetes to monitor blood sugar levels.

Actions that can be performed in patients with gestational diabetes, among other things continue prioritizing diabetes management diabetes, when blood sugar is too high can be done with hospitalization for insulin regulation of both intravenous and subcutaneous injections. So try on all pregnant patients to choose treatment with diabetes management is not reached a state when blood sugar levels are normal only injected with insulin. Other additional drugs with vitamins vitamins to maintain the condition of the patient's body.

That need to be considered in diabetes management of pregnant women are the caloric needs of pregnant women are not the same as a normal woman is even pregnant women suffering from diabetes. The number of calories to the diet = ideal body weight of pregnant women x (25-30) extra calories from 200 to 300 calories with 200 grams minimum details of carbohydrate and protein (1.5 - 2) g / kg ideal.

If on examination found the baby weight once the baby of induction needs to be done in week 36 to 38 to prevent the occurrence of complications during childbirth. This delivery should be within the strict supervision by obstetricians and specialists in internal medicine.

Normally after birth the blood sugar levels will return to normal, if not, it is necessary to continue providing oral antidiabetes until a certain time period.

Source: http://www.blogdokter.net

Bad Lifestyle Trigger Diabetes

Approximately 80 per cent prevalence of diabetes mellitus is type two. This shows that lifestyle is not healthy to be the main triggers of the disease increased. Diabetes is the second largest cause of death in urban areas. This was revealed in a one-day seminar held on Diabetes Health Department, Thursday (5 / 11).
The UN World Health Organization set November 14 as World Diabetes Day. The theme this year is the warning Understand and Control Diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by the inability of the body to produce the hormone insulin or because of ineffective use of insulin production. It is characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood.
Type two diabetes is generally associated genetic or descendants who are also affected and triggered risk factors such as diet, lack of activity, smoking, drinking alcohol, obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia, hiperkolesterol.
In his speech, Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health revealed Tjandra Yoga Aditama, bad lifestyle is reflected in the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2007, the prevalence of eating less fruit and vegetables by 93.6 percent, less physical activity in older people over 10 years by 48.2 percent, the prevalence of smoking every day for people over 10 years of 23.7 percent, and consumption of alcohol in a 4.6 per cent last month.
The same research shows, diabetes mellitus ranked second as a cause of death in the group 45-54 years in urban areas. Meanwhile, in the countryside, diabetes mellitus deng ranked sixth of the number of proportion of deaths by 5.8 percent.
Source: KOMPAS.com

Comprehensive Resource of Hemorrhoids on Internet

When we or our loved one is suffering from a disease, we are certainly motivated to find the best cure. We can rely on the doctor’s treatment but to get the best result, we will need to be well informed about the disease. Knowing the cause of the disease, right treatment, best possible cures, and symptoms will enable us to stay calm so we will be able to make the best decision. Therefore, it is very important for us to find complete resource of our disease.

As we can see at Hemroidshemorrhoids.com, there is a comprehensive resource of hemorrhoids. Many people consider this disease as something embarrassing and talking about it with friends is absolutely not a good idea. In fact, if we are suffering from this disease, we should find help immediately. This website gives clear information about the symptoms so we will be able to analyze our condition in order to know whether we have been affected by this disease or not yet. There is also information about the right hemorrhoid treatment. This information is very useful for people suffering from this disease as they will be able to treat their condition correctly.

Further, this website also explains in detail why bleeding hemorrhoids could happen and what we should do when we are experiencing it. In conclusion, this website is very useful for people who want to know underlying facts about this disease.

Signs And Symptoms of Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus Type 2)

Diabetes mellitus type 2 or commonly referred to as Non Insuline Dependent Diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is a disease caused by diabetes because the body's resistance to the effects of insulin produced by pancreatic beta cells. This situation will cause blood sugar levels to rise out of control. Family history of obesity and diabetes suffered suspected risk factors of this disease.

Insulin is a hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas. In normal conditions, insulin levels will fluctuate depending on the blood sugar levels in the blood. Insulin levels will rise just after eating and going down so we do not eat anything. The main function of insulin is to distribute the glucose contained in the blood throughout the body for the metabolism to produce energy. If the sugar or glucose levels are exceeded then the excess demand that will be stored in the liver. Savings of glucose will be released when needed for example when our bodies are starving.

When a person has diabetes mellitus type 2 then there are two possibilities that occur namely, beta cells in the pancreas contained insulinya production or production is not sufficient enough, but the body resistant to insulin. Both circumstances will cause the blood glucose levels will rise.

Fortunately the body has a very good mechanism to notify us if there is an abnormality. It is important to know the symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus at an early stage because the earlier the treatment is going to get better results and the less likely the occurrence of complications. Here are some symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus should we be cautious.

Fatigue is the earliest symptoms experienced by people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The patient will feel weak even though his body was not doing any activities that are not too heavy. So, if you always feel tired and sleepy even before you do not stay up, it helps you see a doctor immediately.

Weight loss drastically. If you eat too much food your body will become fat. Excess fat in the body will cause the body to insulin resistance increases. In people who have diabetes, although he ate his food in excess is not to be fat and even take care of it because the muscles are not getting enough energy to grow.

Visual impairment. High sugar levels in the blood will draw out the liquid in the cell, this will cause the cells become wrinkled. This situation also occurs in the eye lens, so the lens becomes damaged and the patient will experience vision problems. This vision problems would improve if diabetes mellitus successfully handled properly. If not handled, these vision problems can worsen and cause blindness.

Frequently infected and if it's hard to heal wounds. This situation can occur because the bacteria thrive because of high levels of sugar in the blood. In addition, mushrooms are also really enjoyed growing up in high blood levels glukosanya.

Thus some additional symptoms that you can look at the disease type 2 diabetes mellitus.

source: http://www.blogdokter.net

Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

Diabetes mellitus (DM) (from the Greek word διαβαίνειν, diabaínein, "transparent" or "shower", and the Latin word mellitus, "sweetness") commonly known as diabetes is a disease characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar levels) constant and varied, especially after eating. Other sources mention that the reference to diabetes mellitus is a chronic state of hyperglycemia accompanied by metabolic disorders due to hormonal disorders, which cause a variety of chronic complications in the eyes, kidneys, and blood vessels, with lesions in the basal membrane with the electron microscope examination. [2]
All types of diabetes mellitus have similar symptoms and complications at advanced level. Hyperglycemia itself can lead to dehydration and ketoacidosis. Long-term complications include cardiovascular disease (double the risk), chronic renal failure (major cause of dialysis), retinal damage which can cause blindness, and nerve damage that can cause impotence and gangrene with risk of amputation. A more serious complication is more common when blood sugar control worse.

Source: Wikipedia

Magnesium Oil Product

Magnesium is one of useful elements for our body. Magnesium can prevent you from asthma, insomnia, depression, and high cholesterol. There is a new innovative of magnesium products. Some people consume magnesium supplement for the purpose of keeping their stamina and health condition.

Magnesium supplement is not only the one and only of magnesium product. For those who can’t consume supplement because of the size can easily enjoy different way of consuming magnesium supplement for health. Dr. Keri Purdon suggests you to take DermaMag. DermaMag is a new way to consume magnesium through your skin. Here, you can take magnesium oil and put it directly to your skin. The information about the recommendation of magnesium oil can be read on MagnesiumDirect.Com. There are two ways to increase your magnesium level by using magnesium oil.

Basically, the magnesium oil has to absorb into your skin and you can do it just like when you put your lotion or soaking your foot with magnesium oil for about 20 minutes. If you are a newbie and want to try to use magnesium oil, you have to make it sure that this product is safe for you by having detail information. To get the article about magnesium oil you can write the related word and understanding it well.

Intestinal Sleeve May Improve Glycemic Control

By Kristina Fiore, Staff Writer, MedPage Today
Published: November 16, 2009
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and
Dorothy Caputo, MA, RN, BC-ADM, CDE, Nurse Planner

Noninvasive implantation of a sleeve in the small intestine just beyond the stomach quickly improves glycemic control in obese diabetes patients, researchers say.
In a small pilot study, fasting plasma glucose levels for patients who received the duodenal-jejunal bypass liner (EndoBarrier) fell 55 mg/dL, while levels among those who had a sham procedure rose 42 mg/dL (P≤0.05), according to Christopher Sorli, MD, of the Billings Clinic in Billings, Mont., and colleagues.

They reported their findings online in Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics.

But differences in this measure of glycemic control did not remain significant after the 24 weeks of the study were completed. Also, the study was scheduled to run for 52 weeks but too many patients had to have the device removed because of pain or anchor migration before that time.

Still, the researchers said the results are hopeful.

"The ability of the [sleeve] to rapidly normalize glycemic control in obese diabetes patients represents a promising development in the search for novel therapies that provide relief to the clinical progression of this disease and are less invasive than bariatric surgery," the researchers said. "The results of this diabetes-specific pilot study are encouraging and support further clinical investigations."

Although bariatric surgery has been effective in reversing diabetes, particularly with regard to normalization of plasma glucose, insulin, and HbA1c, some concerns exist about its associated morbidity and mortality.

So researchers have been looking for an alternative. The duodenal-jejunal bypass liner is a candidate because it is placed endoscopically and is easily removable. It's also made of an impermeable fluoropolymer sleeve and is fastened in place via a barbed metal anchor at the duodenal entrance.

For 24 weeks between January 2007 and February 2008 at the Hospital DIPRECA in Santiago, Chile, the researchers studied 18 obese diabetic patients -- 12 of whom received the sleeve, and another six who got sham endoscopy.

They looked at baseline weight, HbA1c, a meal tolerance test, fasting glucose, and seven-point glucose profiles.

At baseline, all patients were taking at least one oral diabetes drug. Their baseline HbA1c was 9.1 and baseline body mass index (BMI) was 38.9.

The researchers found that within the first week, the device reduced fasting plasma glucose by 55 mg/dL in the sleeve group, while those in the sham group had a 42 mg/dL increase (P≤0.05).

By the end of the study, fasting plasma glucose dropped 83 mg/dL in the treatment group and rose 16 mg/dL in the sham group, but this difference was not significant.

Also at one week, mean postprandial glucose area-under-the-curve was reduced in the treatment group by 22% and was increased 16% in the sham arm (P=0.016).

Meanwhile, the seven-point glucose profile was reduced and flattened at one week but was not changed in the sham group, the researchers said.

Although HbA1c decreased substantially more in the device arm than in the sham arm, the trial missed its primary endpoint because this difference did not reach statistical significance.

At week 12, HbA1c dropped 1.3% in the treatment group and 0.8% in the sham arm, and at 24 weeks, it dropped 2.4% in the treatment group and 0.7% in the sham group, with no significant differences at either time point.

But the device did appear to reduce the number of oral diabetes medications patients were taking.

In the intent-to-treat population, after 12 weeks, 42% of patients with the sleeve were able to stop their diabetes medications, compared with only 17% of those in the placebo group who quit their drugs.

In the full population, after 12 weeks, 50% and 25% had ceased use, respectively.

By week 24, 40% of treated patients and 25% of sham patients remaining in the study had stopped taking diabetes medications.

The researchers said that device migrations required endoscopic removal before the 52-week mark.

Three patients had the sleeve removed after an adverse event related to migration or turning, including moderate abdominal pain and moderate nausea and vomiting.

Two other migrations occurred but the patients had no symptoms, they added.

They noted that all 12 treated patients had at least one episode of mild or moderate abdominal pain and four of them had mild or moderate vomiting, but none requested the device be removed for these reasons.

Weight loss was also similar in both groups. The device arm tended towards more weight loss after week 12, but this was not statistically significant because the study was designed to minimize differences in weight loss between groups so the researchers could analyze glycemic changes independent of weight loss.

Patients with the device began to lose more weight, but because of the small number of patients in the sham arm and because one of them lost a significant amount of weight, the differences didn't reach statistical significance.

The study was limited in its statistical power and by the need to remove three devices due to abdominal pain or anchor migration.


The gene had a Related With Obesity, Causes More Fat Select Food

KapanLagi.com - Some scientists come to a reason why some people choose not fries and apple; that proceed from a gene that has been associated with greater risk of obesity.
One study of children found those who have common variations of genes tend to eat too much high-calorie foods.

They consume an additional 100 calories per serving of food, which in the long term may gain weight, says Colin Palmer, who led the study at the University of Dundee in Scotland.

These findings do not mean that every person with that gene version will eat too much and become obese, he said. They just might have a tendency to eat more fat foods causes.

"It's still your choice," he said, "This gene would not make overweight if you do not overeat."

Palmer says these results support the theory that obesity in children these days can be associated with highly available and inexpensive high-calorie foods.

The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Years ago, many scientists find the gene, named FTO, associated with obesity but they do not know why. Most other genes thought to affect body weight affect appetite.

Palmer and colleagues wanted to know whether the FTO gene also has a relationship with eating habits, or whether it involves the way the body burns calories. They studied more than 2700 Scottish children aged four to 10 years and put one of their group to undergo extensive examination.

Almost two-thirds of these children have at least one copy of the gene variant, more or less the same size to those found in a study last year of most white people of Europe.

The study found that those with one copy of the gene variants have an increased risk of obesity by 30%, and carriers of two copies have an increased risk of almost 70%.

Gene variation was also found in other populations.

After confirming the relationship of obesity to the Scottish group more, the researchers studied 97 children. They perform a number of measurements, including body fat and metabolic rate.

The children were given three meals in schools to assess their eating behavior. Food includes a mixture of fruit and vegetables, pork, cheese, potato chips, chocolate candy and bread rolls.

The researchers found that children with the gene variation did not show differences in metabolic rate, physical activity level or the amount of food eaten.

"The only thing we could find is the fact that most of the foods they eat more calorie-rich," said Palmer.

On average, children with the variant gene ate 100 more calories than those who do not have it.

Dr. Rudolph Leibel, an obesity researcher at the Columbia University in New York, said it is difficult to obtain measures of how much a person ate, but the Scottish study done in a way that closely monitored.

He said that overeating may be caused by more than just the need for calories than fatty food choices. Fat is a great way to get extra calories.

"A bite-by-bite, there are more calories in a Big Mac than contained in an apple," said Leibel, who wrote the editorial accompanying the study in the journal.

Physical activity

One study recently in the Amish show that variance effects can be overcome with a few hours of physical activity. The study's lead author, Evadnie Rampersaud of the University of Miami, said nearly 76 children spent all three Scottish food experiments.

"Although the results were intriguing, more extensive study is needed to fully investigate this hypothesis," he said in an e-mail.

Palmer, Scottish researchers, said there was no practical reason for screening people to determine the variation of genes; seems there are many genes that affect obesity.

Does someone have it or not, he said, given the same advice: Eat healthy foods and exercise.

Palmer DNA included in the study last year but he did not know their status, even though he does have a weakness in chips. (ant / cax)

Which one your choice, Rice or Potatoes?

Many people who use the potato as a staple food in their diets than white rice. Sehatkah option?
Potatoes are rich in vitamins A and B, carbohydrates, fiber, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. Phytonutrient content of the potato is also a nutrient that functions as an antioxidant or free radical stress. In addition, the density of carbohydrate calories, but with a value smaller than the potato rice, make the food derived from these ivy became a prima donna in our diet program menus. Just imagine, one medium-sized potato contains about 150 calories.Meanwhile, in a plate of rice can be contained up to 240 calories.

If so, is really potatoes better than rice? Do not be too hasty to conclude, as Dr. Diani Adrina, SpGK, doctors nutritionists from Mitra Kemayoran Hospital, says it has a glycemic index of potato is higher than rice. Because in 2 grams of boiled potato is glycemic index of 84, while the rice is only 64.
Foods with high glycemic index may cause some disruption to our health, such as increased blood sugar, suppress good cholesterol, and increase the risk of heart attacks and diabetes.
Therefore, appropriate steps to enjoying potatoes is to limit the intake of potatoes we eat. If you want to eat potatoes, avoid fried potatoes and better choose a boiled potato or baked with the skin. Do not forget to always accompany a potato with broccoli or other vegetables.
Specifically for people with diabetes or high risk of diabetes, more wisely if we can eliminate the potatoes in a list of our daily diet. Alternative safe from tubers class that has a lower glycemic index is a sweet, rather than potatoes.
(Lily Turangan / Astrid Anastasia / Prevention Indonesia)
Source: Kompas.com | Female Compass
rumah diabetes.com

Problem with safety of aloe vera

I took aloe vera for my diverticulitis, and ended up with a severely inflamed stomach. Aloe vera is very rich in salicylates, the active ingredient in aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and contains other anti-inflammatory chemicals of God knows what nature. I ended up in the ER with my stomach and lower esophagus so inflamed that I couldn't even swallow food, and my entire stomach felt exactly like someone kicked it, very hard. Had to take a prescription stomach coater and follow an ulcer diet for a week.

Dora Smith
Austin, TX


Hypertension Can followed by Diabetes

KOMPAS.com - If the blood pressure above 120/90 mmgHg often, automated risk of diabetes doubled. This when compared with those with normal blood pressure. According to research by scientists from Brigham and Woman's Hospital and Harvard Medical School for 10 years.
The definition of high blood pressure is a measure of blood pressure above normal limits, both when we're relaxed, especially when we're angry or stressed in a certain period.

Diabetes increases the risk of high blood sugar and cause accumulation of cholesterol causes hardening of the arteries. The ends of blood does not flow smoothly, so the pressure to rise. In addition to trigger high blood pressure, diabetes can also be a disease "shadow" for heart failure and renal dysfunction.
Immediately went to the doctor, when we suspect's blood pressure was above normal. This examination is intended to determine the level of risk of diabetes. To prevent the risk of other serious illnesses such as heart and kidney, requested that the doctor did a routine test for patients with high blood pressure, namely:
- Urine tests to check levels in the urine proten
- Blood tests to check whether our kidneys function properly.
- Cholesterol test
- Test the EKG to check heart health.
We also need to know that high blood pressure is not a flu-like illness that can be cured by swallowing the drug. High blood pressure should be treated with lifestyle changes. Rutinlah exercise, prevent obesity, limit salt, and stop smoking.

Diabetes weakens bones

Complications of diabetes are not only heart disease, chronic kidney damage, damage to the retina resulting in blindness, nerve system damage, and damage to blood cells, which can lead to erectile dysfunction and difficult to heal wounds.
Recent studies Alblowi et al, entitled High Levels of TNF-Contribute to Accelerated Loss of Cartilage in Diabetic Fracture Healing "on the issue of the journal Pathology in October 2009 revealed that people with diabetes also experience the slow process of healing a broken bone. This is because the cause of inflammatory molecules TNF-_ contribute to slow healing of bone fractures in patients with diabetes.

To examine how diabetes affects the bone, Dr. Dana Graves and colleagues from the Univerisy of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and the Boston University School of Medicine explored the bone repair in a rat model of diabetes. They observed increased levels of the molecule causes inflammation, including TNF-_ during the healing process of broken bones.
Animals with diabetes very quickly lose cartilage in the bone healing process, Diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce enough, or respond to insulin, this disease affects at least 171 million people in the world, and the amount will double by 2030.
Source: Korantempo.com

650,000 children have diabetes

SURABAYA, KOMPAS.com - About 650,000 Indonesian children suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. Unhealthy lifestyles and unbalanced trigger an increasing number of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia.
Chairman of the Diabetes and Nutrition Center (PDN) RSU Dr. Surabaya Askandar Soetomo Tjokroprawiro said, the Ministry of Health recorded at least 13 million people of Indonesia have diabetes mellitus (DM). Five percent of them or about 650,000 people were children, who generally suffer from type 2 diabetes. "Type 2 diabetes is caused by a lifestyle that is not healthy to cause insulin resistance," explained Askandar, Tuesday (3 / 11).

Currently, type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes is most commonly found. "If the first type 2 diabetes associated with old age, it can attack since the age of children, adolescents, and adults age. Children today are a lot of unhealthy food and lack of move-prone type 2 diabetes suffer, "he said.
Parents should watch their eating habits and physical activity their children at home. In addition, parents also need to watch the development of child weight. Children who suffer from DM usually indicated often faster hungry and thirsty, urinate a lot, and her weight was never rises. "If you see these symptoms have to be careful. Try to encourage children to check their blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are normal in children with normal glucose levels for adults, which ranges from 100-140 mg / dl, "Askandar explained.
Researchers at the PDN, Great Pranoto, say, increasing the number of people with DM is high enough. Nationally, the average sufferer rose 5.7 percent. However, in some big cities like Jakarta, increasing the number of sufferers could reach 12 percent per year. "This condition is of concern because the number of deaths due to diabetes is high. Throughout the world, an average of six people die every minute from complications of diabetes, "said Agung.
In fact, there is the possibility of DM patients in Indonesia more than that recorded in the Ministry of Health.
Askandar also revealed, DM sufferers prone to osteoporosis. High sugar levels in the blood stimulate hormones that reduce the level of bone density. Left untreated, people with DM will eventually osteoporosis and fractures easily. (RAZ)


Treatments for Eating Disorder

You might hear that there are so many women suffering from eating disorder. Eating disorder is a psychological condition that influences someone’s eating habits. The human body needs food to survive but those with eating disorder cannot fulfill the need. They are in a risk of health problem. Thus, if you or people around you are suffering from the eating disorder, you’d better search for a treatment.

If you are looking for eating disorder treatments, I recommend you to go to Casapalmera.com. Casapalmera is a rehabilitation center for eating disorders, chronic pain, and chemical dependency. They offer eating disorder treatment program that was designed to meet the patient’s need. They specialize in helping the patient with the physical problems as well as fighting fear and other phycological problems. They will first identify the type of eating disorder and then determine which type of treatment program is the most suitable one for the patients.

If the patients are suffering from bulimia nervosa, then they will provide them with the personal care of bulimia treatments. Furthermore, if you are suffering from anorexia nervosa, you will also get the best anorexia treatment dealing with the disease. They will help you to start a better life with no eating problem. Just go to the site or call 866-768-6719 for more information.


If you are not used to having snacks there is no advantage in having them for the sake of it. However weight loss works on total calories per day so there is no reason why someone who does want to snack can't lose weight, you don't eat more, you just spread it out over a longer period. Some people, myself included don't have a digestive system that can go without stopping for a drink without discomfort, and one tends to eat something with the drink.

I have visited a friend who offers a drink without anything to eat and that is OK but when I get home I often have a snack and drink with my husband. For me I control the snacks so I am not actually eating more over the entire day. I also choose snack food that I know I can handle.

So we all agree you do what fits in with your particular pattern of lifestyle. The only reason for anyone to change this is if it isn't working for them. There doesn't seem to be a right and wrong way just what works best for the individual. For call this YMMV.

Jean in S. Australia.

Irritated by a TV spot about diabetes

I was in my pediatrician' s office to have our 2 young sons tested for H1N1 (and they were positive) and caught one of those short TV spots aboutdiabetes. This one was about prediabetes, and stated that millions of Americans are prediabetic. Yep, that's true - though as has been said here, the term "prediabetes" is a bit misleading. It should probably be "early stage diabetes"; that's what I use. Then it said that many prediabetics can slow down the progression of diabetes, or even halt it, by diet and exercise changes. That's also true for at least some. Then it showed some prediabetic men and women sitting in a room being taught by a nutritionist about how to change their diet. A man was then filmed saying, "You just don't know how much fat there is in a bag of potato chips."
That was where I groaned inwardly. Fat? FAT? The problem with potato chips from a diabetic perspective is NOT the fat, it's the potatoes! I believe the fat used to make potato chips isn't heart healthy, but there was no mention at all about the potatoes being very high carb and sending blood sugars through the roof. It drives me nuts that "low fat" continues to be the mantra culturally. For diabetics especially, low fat usually means high carb, which is terrible.


From: Kevin and Laraba Kendig
diabetes_int@ yahoogroups. com

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