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How to get rid of whooping cough

Whooping cough is an infectious bacterial disease that affects the respiratory passages. The disease is most contagious during the initial phase as a cold (catarrhal stage). In its early stages, pertussis is often indistinguishable from children.Whooping for colds Cough is spread by contact with the air discharge from the mucous membrane of the infected person. The disease is treated with antibiotics such as erythromycin, azithromycin and clarithromycin.

Causes of whooping cough

Bacterial infection is the cause of whooping cough. Inflammation of the wind made a narrow tube, causing a loud cough.

It is spread through children from exposure to infected persons through droplets in the air.

Everyone who is not protected (from the last immunization or infection had before) could be whooping cough, including older children and adults.

Symptoms of whooping cough

General feeling of malaise and loss of appetite
Watery eyes
Vomiting at the end of a bout of coughing

Means of whooping cough

Garlic: Garlic is a measure of whooping cough. Crush cloves of garlic and the juice extraction. Take 1 tablespoon juice twice a day.

Vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, Gourds, must be made by adding boiled without spices. Whole meal bread and baked potatoes can be addressed.

Belleric Myroblan (Terminalia belerica) Fruits of belleric myroblan has excellent healing powers in the treatment of cough caused due to catarrh.

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) Cloves can reduce the irritation of the throat. Cloves are more effective if the coughs are produced due to inflammation of the pharynx.

A very simple way to stop coughing at night, is to take place three to four pieces of long pepper in his mouth. Chew them slightly so that their extract broadcast in the mouth. While the peppers remain in the mouth, a desire to cough will be suppressed and get restful sleep at night.

Gargle sage leaves and adult tea color with a little almond oil, oil of cloves and honey to reduce coughing and soothe the throat.

Teaspoon of honey, a pinch of turmeric powder, chewing cardamom for a while, stick cloves, they are all proven very useful in the treatment of cough.

Make a syrup by combining 1 teaspoon raw onion juice with 1 teaspoon honey, let me stay for 3-4 hours, and take in doses. This is useful home remedies for cough.

Thyme cough: thymol extracted oil of thyme is used as an antibiotic and expectorant. In fact, this herb is commonly used in most commercial cough syrup formulation. Thyme in syrup, tincture, tea and oil form is very effective in treating cough.

Take 5 grams powdered Licorice root with honey three times a day. You can also make a decoction with a teaspoon of one cup of water. Take three cups every day. Licorice is a lightweight and anti-inflammatory properties, and expectorant.

Its common sense, who can not find a cure for a problem that you can attach a name. Symptoms of whooping cough are easily detectable and they have long periods of runny nose, sneezing, dry cough and sometimes fever, which may even hit 100 degrees. If you see these signs, but you still are not sure, it's time to go to a doctor who will recommend proper treatment.

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