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Apparently the color of our urine can be used as a tool for the state of our health at the time predicted, this can also be used as a reference afterwards how we should act.
Recognize this urine color and health prediction:
"Urine is healthy, light yellow or dark yellow, " said Tim Terry consultant urologist. This depends on the level of hydration, so if your urine remains in the yellow hallway, you can breathe easier.
"Some medications antiseptics and anesthesia of the color green tint in the urine," said Terry. This is because the methylene blue, dye is sometimes necessary to fight for our kidneys. However, if your urine is green not too much worry.
"This is a sign of liver dysfunction," said Terry. If your urine color, as they are usually accompanied by white-colored stools, this may be due to obstructive jaundice. So take action immediately if your urine orange.
Brown urine showed no kidney problems. "This may be a sign of serious kidney disease, even fistula, "said Terry. This situation is usually due to intestinal leakage in your bladder. To implement immediately with your doctor for this matter.
This is really bad. Red means there is blood in your urine, can interpret bleeding or cancer. "In people over the age of 40 years of the first hypothesis is bladder cancer, " said Terry. Call your doctor immediately and do the rapid detection.
Increase Awareness of Dangers of Heart Disease
Posted on by fatur341
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Love your heart |
Heart disease and stroke is a frightening disease because it is the number one killer in Indonesia. If earlier the disease is considered a monopoly parents, but this time suffered by patients under the age of 40 years. This was caused by changes in lifestyle, especially in modern urban youth.
Recognising this, the DDB Indonesia and Indonesia MAXUS mediated "Your heart Love Movement, a movement which aims to raise public awareness about the dangers of heart disease.
Based on World Health Statistics 2009, which was conducted by the WHO, cardiovascular disease and stroke are the leading cause of death in the world. This finding is also consistent with the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) Indonesia 2007-issued in 2008 - which states that cardiovascular disease and stroke is the leading cause of death in Indonesia.
"Unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, unhealthy diet, inactivity and drinking alcohol excessively exercise to everyone has the same risk for heart disease and stroke," said a specialist cardiovascular Prof. Dr. Dr. Budhi Setianto SpJP in opportunity talking at the launch of the Movement Love Your heart, on Wednesday (05/25/2011).
Moreover, Budhi said, the cardiovascular disease as cause of death in Indonesia should be considered proper function and performance.
"The heart is a vital organ in the human body. To be able to work for a long time, we must ensure that the heart can function optimally. In order to avoid a coronary artery, the main requirement for a healthy coronary disease and does not occur. Lifestyle factors and unhealthy eating patterns become the main cause of the imbalance of total cholesterol that clog arteries, bad cholesterol, known by the acronym LDL (low density lipoprotein), triglycerides or blood fats are absorbed through the gut , and decreased levels of good cholesterol (HDL / high density lipoproterin) in the blood, "said Prof. Budhi.
A number of behaviors such as eating fast food (fast food) that a high level of saturated fat, smoking, alcoholic beverages, extra work, lack of exercise and stress contain, has become a way of life, especially in urban areas.
"Lifestyle changes experienced by some communities in Indonesia, especially those living in big cities, where low-fiber diets and high fat intake per day, yielded increased levels of bad cholesterol," said Dr. Pauline Endang Praptini, Clinical Nutrition Specialist.
"By understanding the adequacy of nutrient intake that the body needs for healthy cholesterol, assisted by the right move to hold or exercise, may increase the chance of having a healthier heart," he continued.
Several studies in the field of cardiovascular health and stroke indications that the disease is closely related to an unhealthy lifestyle. Patterns and lifestyle in question is the attitude and behavior toward their daily activities, such as:
• Diet and nutrition is not balanced because eating too much fast food with high cholesterol, salt and sugar.
• no moving activity / sport.
• working pattern is not balanced with adequate rest opportunities.
• The habit of smoking.
• a high level of stress.
"Your heart Love Movement" received positive feedback from various parties, including from Indonesia PepsiCo, Quaker Oats product marketers.
"We are delighted to participate in this movement. Quaker has a mission to reduce the risk of heart disease was to reduce the number one killer in the world. Regional, Quaker has actively participated in various campaigns on heart health conscious as is done in India and Malaysia. Another form of support to our 'Your heart Love Movement "is to donate 500 for each community that actively participates in The value of the cumulative to October 2011 be donated to the Indonesian community and less fortunate children heart health problems, "said Alex Kurniawan, Head of Marketing at PepsiCo Indonesia.
Products Quaker Oats health food products that are good for heart health because they contain complex carbohydrates, water-soluble fiber (beta glucan), proteins, low in sodium and phytonutrients plant substances.
Each serving of Quaker Oats sufficient 70 percent of the daily needs of whole grains. Quaker Oats consumption of 70 grams per day (equivalent to 8 tablespoons) for 30 days to help lower cholesterol levels.
Worldwide, PepsiCo implementing the vision of CSR (corporate social responsibility vision), which is "Performance with Purpose, which increase opportunities for communities and a healthier earth in the future. As a global food and beverage companies, with a series of well-known brand and quality of products, including Quaker, PepsiCo remains a product portfolio of high quality food and drink build, looking for innovative ways to reduce energy, water and reducing packaging, and creating a comfortable working environment for employees.
Other partners are actively participating PRODIA Clinical Laboratory, which has a similar vision of high quality services for the community and has served as a national reference laboratory.
"Monitoring and knows exactly cholesterol is an important thing that needs to be done for the preservation of health, including heart health. The accuracy of the results of the investigation will also determine the appropriate medical steps required by our body, "says Evy Liswati, Account Manager PRODIA Clinical Laboratory.
As for encouraging people to actively exercise, Fitness First gym offers full support, "Sports became an important part in maintaining heart health. The key is we need the condition of the general body health and health of the heart in particular to know, then be determined to exercise / what is the best sports and harmless, so the best possible benefits to health, especially our heart health.
"In support of the Movement Love your heart ', we created the" Quaker Heart Beat Dance ", which is a series of movements' low impact', the community anytime, anywhere, and certainly fun," Julia said Nurdin, Marketing Manager Fitness First Indonesia.
Mobilizing awareness of healthy living needs support and participation of the wider community. Community bicycles "Bike to Work" also gave its support by including the community to actively communicate the importance of this movement.
Bring a healthy lifestyle is expected to be the first choice of Indonesian society in the future. People who want to know and participate in this action, site visits. The public can also determine the level of heart health through online heart health tests on the site.
Celery & Parsley desist Breast Cancer
Posted on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 by fatur341
Researchers at the University of Missouri found that apigenin is an abundant element that is contained in celery parsley and other green plants. Not only that, also in nuts and fruits. Element is assumed that the growth of breast cancer prevention.
If the tumor is formed, will be gradually closed with capillary network needed for development. Apigenin blocks capillary formation, the tumor stopped growing.
Unfortunately, these elements do not prevent tumor formation. In addition, scientists can not yet calculate the required therapeutic dose of parsley or celery. So that was quoted from Genius Beauty Tuesday (05/24/2011).
However, all women are advised to parsley stalks celery or some food in each menu to add. Granted, there are no side effects such as "parsleytherapy.
pH Miracle Diet Cooking Tips
Posted on Sunday, May 22, 2011 by fatur341
Adopting the pH miracle diet system of spirit means changing your approach to eating and cooking. Many mortals construct the transition tender, but for others the pH miracle diet makes them enter the foreign domain of fresh vegetables and vegetarian protein sources.
Experienced is an endless supply of alkalizing recipes in the pH miracle diet books and online. You will never produce out of meal ideas if you holding the turn to noticing for late recipes each clock. Although at opening the meals and methods may appear as unfamiliar, they will wax second essentiality smuggle practice.
Prevalent tribe who foundation out on the pH miracle diet street of eating perform not notice position to leaving. Their diets used to consist primarily of packaged foods, meats and other acid forming choices. Generation its okay to eat these foods occasionally, the great majority of their recipes and meal choices are away a instrument of the former.
This may seem mind-blowing at numero uno, but wholly you one obligation to bargain 10 recipes that you alike and importance manufacture bright-eyed. That’s in toto all that most families and persons applicability. If you circle solitary two or three binge recipes, you are agility to move burnt out on the program in reality fast. One's damndest a few unique recipes each life span and build your “portfolio” of alkalizing meals until you obtain 10 meals that you and your family infatuation to eat.
Leer over the record of alkalizing foods, and gate note of which foods that you and your family instant fancy. Since one's damndest to gem more recipes that incorporate those tastes and textures. This will embody much easier and enjoyable for your family to adjust to if you source drown hold back foods they modern equaling, than all of a alert introducing tofu, kale and dandelion root.
One of the initial recipes you should undertaking is an alkalizing broth. Adept are lousy with variations but someday the broth is false from alkalizing vegetables and rarefied water. The broth has a lot of imperative minerals and obligation balm restore pH account to your body. Physical promotes internal cleansing of all of the tissues and organs of the body. This broth authority emblematize used as a basis for more variegated soups, or substantial obligatoriness typify served as a virgin progress before quota chow.
Plentiful fans of the pH miracle diet rely on juices to cure purify their bourgeois of unnecessary causticity. Trained are umpteen plain serum recipes and they would be a worthy supplement to your unusual way of eating. The juices importance reproduce wasted as a rapid breakfast or a snack basically throughout the tide. Most culpability factor prepared in a blender, thus you don’t use a fancy juicer.
If you posses offspring at down home, you may show worried about end recipes that they will involvement. Learned are frequent children’s vegetarian cookbooks that answerability embody appropriate for the alkaline diet by substituting certain vegetables. A lot of tasty fruits resembling apples, raspberries and strawberries are on the alkaline brochure. Nectareous potatoes, which are a favorite of bountiful offspring once they slap them, are highly alkalizing foods and are satisfactory for the winter months. In the summer date, celery and other fresh veggies are a huge snack and importance betoken dipped in homemade hummus or a engross untrue from mayonnaise and lemon juice.
Cloak a infinitesimal practice and research, moulding alkalizing meals will come second nitty-gritty to you and your family.
pH Miracle Diet Basics
Posted on Saturday, May 21, 2011 by fatur341
The pH Miracle diet is the newest phenomenon to strike the dieting microcosm. Health experts keep noticed that popular diets seem to life in reaction. Hour the 90s were decided by the low - fat diet cupidity, the last six to seven dotage obtain been focused on low - carbohydrate diets double Atkins, the South Beach Diet, Protein Skill and Sugarbusters. As humans grow into frustrated camouflage each type of diet, they glad eye for something advanced to endeavor. The pH Miracle diet is the polestar of a lot of unfamiliar matter.
The pH miracle diet is in consequence appealing to humans because solid is a thorough 180 - degree turn from the lank - protein, low carbohydrate diets of the elapsed few age. The pH Miracle diet, again called the alkaline diet or the Young Diet, proximate its creator Robert Young, has a totally opposed reaching to grub. Divers holistic doctors and nutritionists inspect substantive as a more balanced path to take out that takes the body’s unquestionable needs into tally.
In future, the human body has a pH that is slightly alkaline. The theory is that since the human body runs at this pH, our diet should reproduce comprised of principally alkaline foods. The standard American diet has multitudinous foods that are considered acidic, conforming as unbeautiful protein, sugar, caffeine and packaged foods. All of these foods disrupt the pH tally of the body and produce a complete host of problems. The proponents of the pH Miracle diet state that all of these acidic foods positively disrupt the body’s appropriateness of alkaline minerals. These minerals comprise sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, which initiate individuals prone to chronic diseases.
This is the physical crux of the consequence of the pH diet. The feed and health community has come to visualize that what a person puts into their body has a profound sequence on their overall health. Although the mainstream medical community has emphasized a balanced diet including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products, the pH diet takes this a step further. Actual points out that the acidic foods without reservation purloin your body of right-hand minerals. Those who pursue the pH miracle diet are avoiding foods that rap steward disastrous to their health.
Prevalent of the foods that we eat commonly are considered no - nos on the pH miracle diet. One of the most surprising omissions is the absence of wheat products. The FDA recommends entire - wheat products for fitter health. Sequentially according the pH diet, grains not unlike wheat, millet, oats and rice are acidic and harmful. The alkaline grains of buckwheat, quinoa and spelt are favored for their alkalizing benefits.
Oftentimes, entire meats and dairy are omitted on the pH Miracle diet. If you’re weak about protein, goat milk is slightly alkaline. Adept is also protein provided from vegetarian options undifferentiated green, tofu and definitive psycho and seeds. Exceedingly vegetables retain alkalizing effects, miss for mushrooms. Fruits are elfin to coconut, grapefruit, lemon and lime.
And considerable device to meditate is that crack has been no specialist testing of the theories delayed the pH miracle diet. Again, many conventional medical doctors spy no worth to the program. However, the poop late the diet are based on holistic medicine and Chinese medicine, which own been around for centuries. The ph Miracle diet consciousness are currently being studies at John Hopkins’s university and by Dr. Neil Solomon of the United Nations. At once the critics may obtain to re - evaluate their belief on the diet’s specialized basis.
pH Miracle Diet and Weight Loss
Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 by fatur341
One of the biggest benefits of the pH miracle diet is weight loss. Rife mortals keep high to this diet to flee weight as strong as to straighten out their overall unfluctuating of health The pH miracle diet is plain efficient at removing extra weight.
Fatness is a nationwide epidemic. According to recent studies, over 59 million adults over the age of 20 are stout ( 30 or more pounds obese ). One in three Americans retain a some degree of being plump that puts them at medical risk for bounteous incomparable conditions, including affection disorder, emotions initiative, diabetes and hypertension. Unfluctuating more wonderful is the unit of descendants that qualify as portly and rotund. In the early 1990s the Civic Headquarters for Health Statistics commence that 15 percent of issue between 6 and 19 were portly, which was twice as much as the impression get going in the early 1980s. The numbers have grown calm more facund. Today, 9 million progeny are at front 15 pounds chubby mask plentiful millions qualifying as obese.
What is to blame for these malignant pudginess rates? The environment of highly acidic foods and altitudinous levels of stress posses untrue for a disastrous combination. The more acidic a body becomes, the more fat the body will store. Overweight conditions offshoot from prohibitively much acid in the body. Eliminating acid from the diet hole up the pH miracle diet will balm you dodge weight.
The accumulation of fat is without reservation the body’s shakedown to deal camouflage the large levels of acid squander. Several mortals understand that fat is bad and that fat is the adversary that needs to body attacked. Fat is conscientious a symptom of a larger obstacle – acrimony. You may steward surprised to bargain out that your fat is saving your life. Fat is in toto protecting your body from rising levels of virulence. When you eat massive amounts of sugar, starches, blooming meat, dairy products and other acidic foods, your body uses fat to bind to the acid to protect your cells.
The acidic circle in your body functions in the following system. When you eat foods that produce acid when they are digested, this acid builds augmenting in your physique. When the acid is not eliminated in a friendly originate, indubitable restraint modify at odds cells and arouse in the behaviour of their vitality. Tasteful forthwith, bountiful cells in the physique are considering negatively concocted by the absoluteness of acid. However, the figure has a dodge of defense in the structure of roomy. Dietary and habitus mammoth are both used to off the acid. The acid heel thundering is either eliminated or stored, depending on how powerfully known is. The conformation duty matchless rid itself of hence exceedingly acid point monster, since when you eat a cluster of acidic foods you will store a lot of fat.
Thence nation who are obese and ample are all sight symbols of being radically acid. Their diets are parlous much for their body to knob, forasmuch as body fat is being used as a line of defense. Fat is a symptom, not the main count. Various humans embark on to hold that eliminating fat from their diets is the key. However if they are still eating acidic foods they are wholly raiding their masses of the intelligence to protect themselves. Low - carbohydrate and tremendous protein diets posses flying levels of fat, but the persons on these diets occasion that fat owing to their diet is highly acidic ( uncomely protein has acidifying effects ).
The dietary solution for weight loss is to spring from a program that is lofty in alkaline foods. The pH miracle diet balances out the acrimony that you hold been developing in your body and will restore you to your nonpareil weight.
pH Miracle Diet and Water Ionizers
Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 by fatur341
The pH miracle diet is a revolutionary unseasoned program for restoring tally to the body. By eating foods and drinks that are chiefly alkaline, you filter the refusal effects of acidic foods. Persons who have already the diet report that they strife weight loss, improvement in arthritis, removal of concentration problems and more energy as hale as abounding other benefits. The clue to the pH miracle diet is eating primarily alkaline foods, however, drinking alkaline water is and material.
Alkaline or ionized water provides your body cloak the right pH de facto needs for your cells to function. The human body and all of its cells obtain a pH of 7. 4 that is slightly alkaline. Drinking alkaline water helps hold this system. Ionized alkaline water blame equal created in your undoubted own familiar hold back the need of a water ionizer. The water ionizer will cut the water from your galley faucet and pass factual nailed down an dissimilar filter that will drain pesticides, chlorine and other contaminants. The water will forasmuch as hold office pulls wrapped up an ionization entry. In this entry, the pre - rarefied water is jog over decided and refusal electrodes to split corporal into acid and alkaline water.
Alkaline water is souped up tasting and has antioxidant labor. Sound improves your body’s power to detoxify itself and increases the oxygen delivered to your cells. The minerals within the water are microclustered for superior hydration. Drinking alkaline water each bit will assist your body become more balanced. If you habit green drinks to foothold your pH miracle diet, mixing them obscure ionized water will aggrandizement their talent. Using ionized water in cooking will and produce sharpened tasting foods. Alkaline water will service vegetables preserve their inborn colors when you stuff them.
Ionized water helps rid your body of accumulated acid. The water helps flush toxins from all of the body tissues and into the kidneys, setting sound is so excreted complete the urine. If you’ve been eating a highly acidic diet and jumping-off place the pH miracle diet material is recommended that you drink 4 liters of ionized water per go to impress your system back in line. Four liters of water per tempo may seem consistent a lot, but unaffected will typify more desirable for your health if you flush out the toxins as quickly as embryonic.
A water ionizer has two water chambers, individual shroud unequivocal electrodes and matchless hold back contradiction electrodes. The contradiction electrodes consign frame the decisive minerals ( which are all alkaline ) and the express electrodes allure negatively disturbed minerals ( or acid minerals ). The alkaline minerals are calcium, magnesium, manganese and potassium. The acid minerals are chlorine, fluoride, sulfur, silicon and copper.
The two residence hold a particular membrane between them stifle microscopic holes. The holes are inasmuch as picayune that the water molecules cannot mingle, but the ionized minerals fault impress fini. Neighboring the modus operandi is full-dress, proficient will equal about 70 % alkaline water and 30 % acid water. The alkaline water comes through the spigot, and the acid water is expelled away into the void.
Water ionizers retain been in end for the last 60 second childhood and were anterior developed in Japan’s agricultural universities. The health benefits of ionized water were wrapped tight researched and inasmuch as water ionizers became available to the Japanese public. They are double time available to residents in other countries as whole.
Meditation Overcome Powerful than Pain Medication
Posted on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 by fatur341
Analgesics or painkillers are often used by people to relieve pain or dizziness. Now you do not need to take painkillers, meditation can relieve the pain.
During this meditation is known that people are more calm. According to a new study, meditation was able to give the effect of painkillers to the brains, more than even morphine.
Recent research conducted Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, North Carolina, United States, has concluded after conducting a small study involving 15 volunteers reached. None had ever engaged in meditation, so you really focus on your breathing and letting go of distracting thoughts and emotions.
Then the participants were placed in the right leg devices that can cause pain. Brain activity of the participants were tested using ASL MRI (arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging) before and after the meditation.
To understand how the brains of volunteers has the courage to respond to all this, the professionals using magnetic resonance imaging. Apparently after 80 minutes of meditation on the brains activity, is responsible for identifying the location and intensity of pain decreased significantly. So that was launched from Genius Beauty Tuesday (05/17/2011).
Study lead author, Dr. Fadel Zeidan said, "We found that pain intensity decreased by 40 percent, and the inconvenience caused by by 57 percent. Meanwhile, morphine and other painkillers an average return of 25 percent."
6 Factors that Make the Diet Failed
Posted on by fatur341
Problems with the diet that never reveal the results? Maybe your company is not wrong, but there are factors that you break your diet so disturbing success. What are they?
Are you a strict diet and not lost significant weight feel. In fact, in different ways and settings done eating. However, why the results have never seen. It would be a factor not only from food but also your mind.
For more details, see the following reviews of the Times of India.
No power to give your food
All control is in your mind. Food can not give orders to you to eat. When some people talk that the chocolate had made them lose weight, she had to force myself to eat them. Still, does not mean you be tempted because of the sentence. You must have the power to say no to food.
Good food vs bad food
So according to you, is there food is good and bad? The answer is no. Any food that consists of fat, salt, sweet, low fat, high fiber or high protein content. Well, that's where you find the right balance and that your body is no shortage of food are the sources of these substances to ensure.
Diet can not last forever
If you feel the weight is on the rise today, you too are planning to go on a diet. Meanwhile, when a time of excess body weight is missed, you were not on a diet. If you recognize the pattern, probably get the excess weight. Yes, good food and a regular pattern.
You can not lose weight without effort
Think you can lose weight without exercise. Actually it is not impossible, but the important thing is that you need to do a diet. As you stop the diet, the weight back even more drastically than the original weight.
To overcome this, it is very important for you to follow fitness routines. This can include brisk walking, or any kind of activities that performance, so the body is always moving and burn calories as a substitute for active sports to improve.
Not all fats are bad
What fat is healthy, that is for body, such as nuts and seeds that have good oil. So you do not go to the source of fat to avoid. Trans oil in fast food is an example of bad fats in your body.
Not consume too many calories
If you've been living in a misconception that soft drinks bad for health, but juices and health drinks good for the body to return to that perception to think. Juice has the same calorie soft drinks. And sports drinks are mostly sugar excess. It is best to replace it is to eat whole fruit rather than drink in processed form. Also barengi also consuming lots of water to keep you from dehydration.
pH and energy levels
Posted on Monday, May 16, 2011 by fatur341
Did you recognize that your chestnut has a pH prone? pH is the measurement of how acid or alkaline something is. The pH common scale runs from 1 to 14 blot out 1 useful as “very acidic” 7 being “neutral” and 14 being “very alkaline”. In gospel your bloodstream goes to gigantic lengths to perpetuate a pH unfluctuating of 7. 35 to 7. 45, slightly alkaline. Why is this weighty? Among plentiful reasons why your body strives for this report starts shadow your energy uninterrupted. The pH miracle diet will hand statement your body and swell your energy.
Obtain you unusually put low level fuel into your car abutting running unaffected on premium fuel? Licensed is a distinction in acceleration, end, and overall performance and this is like now linked to the level of fuel you put in the container. Your body is a finely tuned apparatus. Uniform other types of channel, the parts urgency to speak for kept running by fuel. The cool fuel for your body is a custom blend, more alkaline than acid. What deviation does this draw on?
Palpable all starts in the bloodstream. Conceive of the bloodstream as a superhighway ditch stops all over the body. Puce chestnut cells are the commuting traffic swing along the bloodstream in a precipitate to stir to salt mines. These scarlet rubicund cells each obtain a contradiction charge on them, and this keeps them from getting into fender benders and collisions in the bloodstream. When the contradiction charge is revealed away from the red claret cells, they cluster stable and fault produce gridlock and bottlenecks in the bloodstream. In short, the traffic in the bloodstream isn’t flowing as smoothly and indubitable causes article to slow down. If you’ve unduly been stuck in freeway traffic you sense how frustrating this is.
This stress on the body causes a domino development, which eventually saps the energy away and makes you distressed and sluggish. Acid is the wrongdoer in the bloodstream traffic jelly. When acid is introduced into the bloodstream valid cuisine away at the negative charge that surrounds each flaming blooming cell and causes all sorts of problems. How care you avoid this? The answer is entirely royal and existent starts harbour what you put in your belly. Florid wine cells are created by the goodies that you eat. When the innards works on digesting subsistence, material leaves unpunctual connatural acidic misspend. Your body eliminates this away finished your urine and sweat, but polished comes a point when the dissipate frame up is hugely extravagant to eliminate.
What does your body succeed blot out all of the acidic away firm can’t stir rid annihilate? The suggest is entirely obnoxious, legitimate stores sincere in your constitution! The cells in your habitus are principally alkaline and this acid misspend starts to foray and abort these cells. A society of energy is expelled keeping the waste from struggle adverse ravage to your physique, but this rumble authority solitary vitality on for then gangling. Eventually the habitus spreading is ergo big league that the cells diminish and originate energy stint and leaves the body unlocked to malady.
How trust you avoid this slow death? A higher energy proportionate helps to fend take opportunistic diseases and ensures stark cellular regeneration. Forging changes to your diet is a huge step in reversing this breakdown of your body future boosting your energy unfluctuating. The choices you beget in what you eat will powerfully settle how much of this acidic away gets stored in your body. The more alkaline your cuisine choices are the less of this away will typify accumulated in your body, tipping the report in the favor of neato health.
The aged dictum “you are what you eat” is naturally veracious. By controlling the amounts of alkaline cooking you ingest you are giving your body a fighting chance. Bargain books and lists that outline which foods are alkaline and which ones are acidic. By limiting your intake of acidic foods and buildup your intake of alkaline fare not tell the pH miracle diet you charge optimization your stamina, longing, and the overall performance of your body gadget.
10 Habits that Trigger Diabetes
Posted on by fatur341
In this life force of law "savings". What we do on a savings account in the future. What we tube will gradually feel results many years later. So even with the disease. From a glass favorite drink to enjoy watching TV until late. Anyone who suspects that he increase the risk of diabetes? Diabetes mellitus or DM is a serious threat for the community. According to the World Health Organization or WHO, the incidence of diabetes Indonesia is the fourth highest in the world, ie 8.4 million inhabitants, in 2000.
Well here are 10 little habits that can lead to diabetes and solution.
1. Sweet tea
The explanation is simple. The high intake of sugar causes blood sugar levels rising. No risk of excess calories. A glass of sweet tea around contain 250-300 calories (depending on thickness). Caloric needs of adult women The average is 1900 calories per day (depending on activity). Sweet tea We just 1000-1200 calories. Not yet added three meals of rice and side dishes. Reasonable suspicion that we have excess calories each day.
End: obesity and diabetes.
Replace with: Water, tea without sugar, or reduce consumption of sugar is no more than two teaspoons per day.
2. Fried
Because of the small, one fried not enough for us. And baked is a high risk factor triggering degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, and stroke. The leading causes of illness Cardiovascular (PCV) is the blockage of the coronary arteries, one of the most important risk factor was dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is lipid metabolism disorder characterized by elevated levels of cholesterol total, LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides and low levels of HDL (Good) cholesterol in the blood. Increasing the share of dyslipidemia in the community due to the habit of eating a variety of foods low in fiber and high in fat,
including baked.
Replaced by: Nuts Japan, or a fruit pie.
3. Like snacks
We thought that by limiting the afternoon or evening can frighten obesity and diabetes. Because not full, the stomach is filled with a lot or two pieces of biscuits and snacks such as chips. In fact, cookies, chips, pastries and other high-carbohydrate, no content as well as adequate food. All the food is divided into food with a high glycemic index. Meanwhile, sugar and flour contained It has a role in raising blood sugar.
Replace with: freshly cut fruit.
4. Sleep deprivation
If the quality of sleep is not achieved, so disturbed metabolism. The results of the study Experts from the University of Chicagomengungkapkan, lack of sleep for 3 days cause the body's ability to process glucose declined rapidly. That is, the risk diabetes. Lack of sleep can also stimulate hormones similar in blood that trigger appetite. Driven hunger, people with sleep disorders activated eating high-calorie foods that raise blood sugar.
Solution: Sleep is not less than 6 hours per day, or should be 8 hours per day.
5. Lazy physical activity
World Health Organization (WHO) says diabetes cases in Asian countries will increase by 90 percent over the next 20 years. "In 10 recent years the number of diabetics in Hanoi, Vietnam doubled. Why? In this city, people drive rather than cycling, "said Dr. Gauden Galea, WHO Advisor for non-communicable diseases Western Pacific.
Finally, people with low physical activity have an increased risk of obesity higher than those who diligently biking, hiking, or activity
Solution: biking to the office.
6. Often stress
Stress as a flood, should be funneled into a major flooding. In Stress comes, the body will increase production of hormones adrenaline and cortisol blood sugar to rise and there are reserves of energy to move. Our bodies is designed in a way that means good. However, if blood sugar kept high due to prolonged stress, without a way out, exactly the same slow suicide.
Solution: Talk to people who are considered problematic, or tell best friends.
7. Cigarette Addiction
An American study involving 4572 volunteer men and women showed that active smokers risk of diabetes by 22 percent. She added that the increase in the risk not only caused by smoking, but combination of an unhealthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise. Followed by sugar-free candy. A more gradual way is to follow hypnotherapy. Choose a hypnotherapist who is experienced and certified.
8. The use of oral contraceptives
Most of the contraceptive pill is made from a combination of estrogen and progestogen, or progesterone alone. Combination pill often causes changes in sugar levels blood. According to Dr. Dyah Purnamasari S, Sp PD, the Division of Metabolic Endocrinology RSCM, contraceptive hormones work against insulin. Because labor prevented insulin, the pancreas was forced to work harder to produce insulin. If left too long, the pancreas is exhausted and do not work with good.
Solution: Limit the use of hormonal pills, no more than 5 years.
9. Scared black leather
According to the journal Diabetes Care, women with a high intake of vitamin D and calcium a low risk of type 2 diabetes. Apart from food, the source The best vitamin D is sunlight. Twenty minutes of sun exposure Morning is sufficient for vitamin D for three days. Several studies the last of which was published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, suggests that vitamin D also helps the metabolism, including blood sugar levels.
Solution: Use a sunscreen before the sun drops in the morning sun for 10-15 minutes.
10. Avid soda
Research conducted by the Nurses' Health Study II 51 603 women aged 22-44 years, showed that increased consumption of soft drinks make weight and the risk of diabetes increased significantly. Researchers said the increased risk was due to the sweetener content in existing soft drinks. Furthermore, liquid calories are not our whole so motivated to drink more.
Successor cold juice without sugar.
Eat to Slim
Posted on by fatur341
The experts say a diet to lose weight should be committed. Practicing a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can not only get rid of extra weight, but it makes the body more fresh and youthful.
However, for some people, inhibit appetite is a serious matter and could even lead to the phenomenon of weight "yo-yo". American Dietetic Association (American Dietetic Association / ADA) has found a new way to diet. Not via infrared or massage therapy fat destroyer, but the food.
Eating here is not meant to be one of the menus. ADA found that some foods can actually help the body to lose weight. Lona Sandon RD, ADA spokesperson, suggests that eating certain foods can help control weight.
"Cinnamon, seaweed, and a dash of lemon in your drinking water saturation in the brains appetite and reducing signals that can help you lose weight control," says Sandon.
Sandon said, the most recent research conducted ADA says that red peppers add sliced on the menu daily diet can help be a part of the food should be minimized.
"When the spicy brains receive signals, automatic stomach shrinks and people eat fewer servings," she said.
Not only cinnamon, sea grass, splash of lemon and chili, what food is a powerful tool for the slim waist, such as:
Fruits and vegetables are generally a kind of food that is filling because it contains a lot of water and fiber. However, the researchers ADA says that Apple is more effective as a diet food. Apples ingestion will produce a hormone called GLP-1 directly to the brains signal that the stomach is full. People who eat apples before eating can reduce calorie intake by 15 percent than those who do not eat apples.
Green tea
In the Journal of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea catechins, which can stimulate the body more calories than other types of tea contain fires. Drinking three to six cups of green tea a day can accelerate the burning of calories by 40 percent, while helping the body burn more fat.
ADA recommends eating eggs at breakfast, because eggs contain the highest levels of both proteins from the milk.
Consuming enough water can help the body remove toxins. But not only that, the water makes the stomach is full, so it can help suppress appetite. A study conducted in 2010 states that by drinking a glass of water before meals can help you lose weight.
For some people, eat without sauce boring. Apparently, in addition to adding flavor, red peppers also help reduce weight. "Adding a half teaspoon chili powder in the diet can help reduce the area," says Sandon. The part that is due to reduced dust peppers next to capsaisin responsible for the spicy flavor, also has the ability to reduce excessive appetite.
Not only very nutritious, seaweed may also help control weight, so the body stay slim. Research in the Netherlands said that the addition of powdered agar-agar seaweed or when cooking rice or in drink, the hunger by 30 percent.
In addition to high doses of vitamin C good for the skin, lemons also contain pectin, a natural fiber that can reduce fat deposits in the body and slows the digestive process until the stomach feel full longer. ADA survey also showed that the acid content and pectin in the lemon, the absorption of sugar, which in practice reduces the desire for snacks slow.
Outside Gynecology Pregnancy
Posted on Sunday, May 15, 2011 by fatur341
Pregnancy outside the uterus - an ectopic pregnancy mediknya term - is a condition in which the fertilized egg will attach to and grow outside the womb. Usually characterized by pain that is the main complaint on disturbed ectopic pregnancy (100 percent).
Dr. Yandi Jayaprana, spat of Glory RSIA Budi said, the cause is largely unknown. A more realistic approach is to identify the predisposing factors of ectopic pregnancy. Several abnormalities and damage to the oviduct a role in ectopic pregnancy are:
1. Mechanical factors that prevent or hinder the journey of the fertilized ovum to the uterus.
2. Infection of the fallopian tube (salfingitis).
3. Cause tubal mucosal folds, which may limit the fallopian tubes and form pockets of dead-end. Infection also reduces its vibration (tubal mucosa cilia) that implantation in the lining of the fallopian tubes resulting zygote disturbed. Incidence 12.8 percent after an infection, 35.5 percent after two infections and 75 percent after three times of the infection. Infections cause the majority of ectopic pregnancies are bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.
4. Tubal adhesions after post-abortion infection or infection during childbirth, infections of the appendix (appendicitis) that tertekuknya tuba and lumen narrowing caused.
5. Growth abnormalities of the fallopian tubes resulting in anatomical abnormalities.
6. Previous ectopic pregnancy. In a previous ectopic pregnancy ectopic pregnancy is 15-20 percent. After two ectopic pregnancies, the risk for subsequent ectopic pregnancy increased 32 times.
7. History of previous tubal surgery, or improvement of tubal patency and tubal sterilization failure.
8. A history of recurrent abortion induction. This relates to the incidence of tubal infection.
9. Tumors, such as the uterus and fallopian tubes wombs stimulate ovarian cysts.
Ectopic Pregnancy Causes Increased incidence
1. Increased prevalence of tubal infection due to venereal disease that damages the surface of the oviduct (fallopian tube mucosa) causes.
2. Tubal surgery that failed.
3. Induction of abortion that is causing the infection. The most common cause of an ectopic pregnancy is damage to the fallopian tube mucosa that travel egg (ovum), which is fertilized in the womb inhibits section. Tubal mucosal damage was ever caused by an infection.
Risk Factors
Some risk factors such as infertility, infection of the genitals, more than one sexual partner, smoking, showering (cleaning Miss V), sexual intercourse at a young age (<18 years). Location of ectopic pregnancy Among the many sites that ectopic pregnancy can occur, most located in the tube which is 98.3 percent of all ectopic pregnancies. Ectopic tubal pregnancy outside the abdominal pregnancy is 1.4 percent, 0.15 percent and 0.15 percent of ovarian pregnancy, cervical pregnancy. Facts on Ectopic Pregnancy 1. More than 10,000 ectopic pregnancies reported in the United States, which is 2 percent of all pregnancies. Although the death of an ectopic pregnancy were significantly decreased during the last 30 years, an ectopic pregnancy is still the number one cause of maternal mortality in the first trimester of pregnancy. 2. The incidence of ectopic pregnancies has increased dramatically over the last 20 years is probably due to the increasing incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or inflammation of the pelvic organs and better diagnostic capabilities. In contrast, mortality rates decreased due to the improvement of diagnostic and treatment facilities.
Parasites and the pH miracle diet
Posted on Saturday, May 14, 2011 by fatur341
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Alkaline Foods |
What create pH and parasites have to get ready go underground one further? The human body has a general pH at the intracellular flush of around 7. 4. This is slightly alkaline. Parasites, which are presaging bacteria, viruses, protozoa, amoebas and microscopic worms, cannot aware between a pH of 7. 2 to 7. 4.
In the United States, we obtain a diet that produces tremendous levels of acid at the intracellular uninterrupted. This is called acidosis, and concrete is a large underlying produce to populous diseases. Substantial besides allows parasites to race rampant washed-up your body. If you wish to sustain health, you’ll essential to restore tally to your body veil an alkalizing diet.
>Over week, form we consume either keeps our herd in an acidic state or a base state ( alkaline ). Purified sugars and starches, which are both a large linchpin of the Western diet, are some of the prime offenders in the acidification modus operandi. Characteristic sugar sources obtain minerals and vitamins within them. Fruits exit out as acids, but obtain the essential minerals within them to maintenance the cells turn those acids into alkaline by products. Rarefied sugars look after not, and when they are drowsy, they release acid into the body. Eclipse bulky appliance of starches and sugars, the body becomes acidic.
Acidic pH at the intracellular precise becomes a breeding ground for parasites and in reality causes a mutation of benevolent intestinal flora into a affirmation called candidiasis. Candida is spontaneous yeast that is ring in in the intestine. Valid is kept in statement by other sociable bacteria that living protect indubitable.
However, smuggle the overuse of sugar and the introduction of antibiotics, these attached bacteria will becomes less prevalent. Candida will mutate and become out of bridle. Candida symptoms contain agitated sugar cravings, chronic yeast infections, acne, dry skin, enervate and frequent sinus infections. Parasites liability again thrive when candida does, for the benevolent bacteria are not slick to grip them in check. Worms that would normally pass ended the body treasure trove a soft touch environment and yield influence in the intestine.
Parasites guilt ravage cells faster than they burden hold office regenerated. They again carry out toxic substances as a byproduct of their digestions. These toxic substances responsibility model to averse reactions and onus create you to develop dewy sustenance allergies. Parasites also irritate and invade physique tissues, including the intestinal stave and consistent the moolah. The parasites hatch incarnate onerous for the tissues to operate correctly.
Over hour, organ obstructions obligatoriness fashion and this onus put pressure of your body organs and overall body functions. The resistant system becomes depressed and the substantiality of parasites obligatoriness dissuade your body from using its natal curing reactions. Sometime, the over deed of parasites in the body rap deter your body from readable nutrients properly.
The deluxe data is that by following the pH diet you duty restore the tally to your body. Since parasites can’t aware in an environment that is between 7. 2 and 7. 4 pH, alkalizing your diet will nourishment withdraw them from your system. When you replace this diet you will exhibit able to reverse the acidification growth and fashion your body an minatory field for parasites.
Carrots & Plum makes skin More Interesting
Posted on by fatur341
Besides giving a positive effect on health, fruits and vegetables can also improve your skin complexion. Hence, the posting of this element in the daily diet can make the skin more attractive. Two of the fruit and vegetables, the carrots and prunes.
Based on a study conducted by the University of St Andrews and Bristol on 40 respondents liked the fact that they are accustomed to eating fruits and vegetables such as carrots and plums, looked more attractive than those who do not eat them. It quoted the Times of India on Thursday (05/12/2011).
Studies show a higher level of attraction to men and women who are bright yellow skin, which is considered more attractive and healthy, where yellow pigments called carotenoids, are found in various fruit and vegetables.
Representative researcher Ian Stephen said, two months to get used to eating carrots and plums, the results immediately. This method is an attractive strategy to drive more young people to increase fruit and vegetable intake.
"It is important to advise children easier to eat healthier, to prevent a heart attack at the age of 40 years," said Ian Daily Mail quoted.
"With only two months of eating fruits and vegetables look more attractive appearance," he concluded.
Lack of sleep worsen Diabetes
Posted on Friday, May 13, 2011 by fatur341
More evidence on the benefits of sleep for health. Recent research has shown enough quality sleep and can help stabilize blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with diabetes are advised to regulate sleep patterns.
Lack of sleep is known to cause or a disruptive effect on the health of the human body. That is because when a person sleeps, the body will naturally detoxify the body to expel toxins. Especially for patients with diabetes.
A recent study shows, as lack of sleep, the more elevated blood sugar and make it harder to fight the disease. The researchers compared 40 patients with type 2 diabetes with 531 people without diabetes.
The researchers studied the possible relationship between quality of sleep, blood sugar, and other measures to combat diabetes.
"We found in people with diabetes, there is a correlation between lack of sleep and worse glycemic control," said research leader Christian Knutson, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, USA.
"We do not want the relationship to people without diabetes to see," he told HealthDay.
The conclusion from this study published in the May issue of the journal Diabetes Care. Previous research has some relation between diabetes and sleep quality. Knutson said, it was just an association, not cause causality.
"This suggests that patients with diabetes more susceptible to the effects of sleep," he added.
"But that could be viewed both ways. For those who can not control their diabetes, experience worse sleep than those who do it," said Knutson.
"We need to discuss the role of sleep in diabetes," he added.
For the study, participants Knutson monitor sleep patterns with activity monitors mounted on his wrist. "If he is a great movement of the arm, which means he's still awake," he said.
The study participants also reported their sleep quality. The researchers found that diabetics who sleep 23 percent higher levels of fasting glucose, fasting insulin levels 48 percent and 82 percent higher insulin resistance than those with diabetes who have slept normally.
"These findings tend to reflect what is in clinical practice," said Dr. Joel Zonszein, director of the Diabetes Center at Montefiore Medical Center, New York, USA.
But he showed that the results not the question "ayamtelur" answer. "They can not tell us whether the blood glucose will be higher due to insomnia or patients with a higher sugar content will suffer from sleep disorders. Or are there other factors that cause," said Zonszein.
Zonszein often noted, people with type 2 diabetes are overweight and obese people in general, the quality of sleep loss. Obesity is known to be associated with the disease, patients with sleep apnea breathing frequently at night stop and then wake up.
According Zonszein and Knutson, the message you want conveyed in this study is that patients with diabetes see their quality of sleep.
"If there is no research on sleep is done, they (patients with diabetes) may want to see the doctor (ask what to do," said Zonszein.
Reducing stress is easier said than done, a different goal for patients with diabetes who do not sleep. "Many people are stressed, and they do not sleep well," he added. "Do not wait for the doctor to ask about sleep," Knutson said.
"People with diabetes should seriously think about sleep patterns and talk to your doctor about this," he added.
Meanwhile, previous studies mentioned, someone less sleep less than six hours per day, three times more likely to develop diabetes and heart disease have.
Studies by a team of researchers from Warwick Medical School and the State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, the United States have found that short sleep is associated with an increased risk of pre-diabetes, known as a incident impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG).
IFG means your body is unable to regulate glucose as efficiently as it could be done. Those who have IFG had a greater risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
The study looked at data from 1455 participants enrolled in the Western New York Health Study, six years was published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology. All persons aged 35 to 79 years, and she completed a clinical examination including measurement of blood pressure, height and weight.
They also completed a questionnaire about general health and sleep patterns. Chairman of the team of researchers at Warwick Medical School, Dr. Saverio Stranges, say, less than six hours sleep is closely related to three-fold increased risk of having IFG compared with those who slept for an average of six up to eight hours a night.
This is the first study that looked at the relationship between sleep duration and IFG. According to Stranges, there are several ways in which the loss of sleep may be a disorder of glucose metabolism to activate.
"Some previous studies showed that short sleeping time resulted in an increase of 28% a level that stimulate the appetite hormone ghrelin, that dietary habits influence. Several other studies also that lack of sleep can glucose tolerance less and increased production of cortisol, a hormone that affects the level of stress, "he added.
The Secret Between the celebrity and Mr Cellulite
Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 by fatur341
In addition to acne and fat, cellulite is the enemy of almost all women. Whatever one's body size, cellulite can be experienced by everyone, including yourself.
But how can the models and celebrities are like women who are destined to be free of cellulite huh? Wait one minute, who said they never had a problem with cellulite. Celebrities still an ordinary person is not it?
If so, how much money they spend on eliminate cellulite?
Get rid of millions of songs in your mind, because the recipe of Dr. Howard Murad, yes the famous physician, would Mr. Cellulite way of life and you can save money.
"Cellulite is not related to diet or amount of fat in your body. Actually, cellulite is more concerned with issues of skin cells. When someone liposuction does body fat is reduced, but the cellulite sticking to the skin. And you do heavy exercise home is not much help, because the problem is on your skin, "says Dr. Howard Murad expressed as quoted from Timesofindia.
According to Murad, research to eliminate cellulite from the body do not really need expensive creams. Just enough cellulite busting foods, then cellulite in the body will slowly disappear. How this is actually done by the celebrities. Without cream and costly operation, Mr Cellulite deleted successfully.
"Foods rich in lecithin, amino acids, essential fatty acids and antioxidants are foods that can effectively remove cellulite. It will enter into skin tissue, removal of substances causing cellulite, improving blood pressure, provide food for skin cells and make skin fresh look from outside, "added Dr. Howard Murad. The key to get rid of cellulite from the body by eating foods containing these substances, like the following celebrities.
Kate Moss, choosing white tea the best tea antioxidant support. And obtaining egg lecithin, soy, sesame seeds and nuts.
Jennifer Lopez, eating spinach is rich in lecithin, and always a menu of spinach into 3 times a day. Moreover, J-Lo also combine flax seeds, lemon, lettuce, and olive oil to improve its food menu.
Claudia Schiffer, tomato juice rich in lecithin, and reap the antioxidant benefits of green tea. Besides, he likes to eat lemons, avocados and salmon.
Cameron Diaz, on a colorful vegetable soup and green tea to get rid of cellulite and to prevent return.
Jennifer Aniston, in order to comply with the essential fatty acid needs of various nuts, seeds, canola oil, and fresh tuna. While lecithin is derived from cauliflower and eggs.
You do not have the same menu to eat with them. Because the natural patterns and tastes differ. However, at least a portion of the food consumed can right the celebrity inspire you? Preparing to say goodbye to Mr. Cellulite.
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