The easy way to Prevent Cervical Cancer
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Screening, one easy way to prevent cervical cancer. |
Even known cause, but be wary of cervical cancer. Immunisation an alternative antidote. Early detection is the way that just was.
Unlike other cancers that are still mysterious cause is known to cause cervical cancer. Cancer that attacks the cervix caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). Not only that, the facts about the disease is well known. The fact is, among other things in the world, every two minutes a woman dies from cervical cancer every one hour, one woman died of cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer is cancer that originates in the cervical area, the area of the female reproductive organ which is the entrance to the uterus located between the womb (uterus, vagina intercourse with a woman (vagina).
Of the many forms of cancer, cervical cancer is known to cause cancer, unlike other forms of cancer of unknown cause.
99.7 percent of cervical cancers caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogene, which attacks the cervix. Begins in the cervix, when they entered the later stages, this cancer can spread to other organs in the body of the patient.
Professor Ian Frazer, a director of the Diamantina Institute, who said that the HPV vaccine makers a variety of types of HPV is estimated at more than 100 species.
"But who has the potential to cause cervical cancer are about 20 species and one of the most common and are at high risk types 16 and 18, where the virus types 80 percent of cervical cancers," he said on the show visit the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Prof. Ian explains, HPV infection is a common infection and cause no symptoms, so someone who is infected with the virus do not know if he is infected could infect other people.
"Most HPV virus began attacking women ages 15 to 25 years by not leaving any symptoms. Therefore, preventive measures must be taken by the HPV vaccine to young girls from the age of 12 and screening," the message.
Prof. Ian said, the investigation can be done to early detection of cervical cancer through Pap test or visual inspection of acid (VIA).
The issue of costs, although the HPV vaccine can be said is relatively expensive, but the cost is much cheaper if a woman taking preventive rather than a fee to the treatment of cervical cancer prior to arrival. Until now a vaccine for cervical cancer, there are two types and not as much as three times, namely in the months 0, 1 month and 6 months, while the other vaccines at month 0, month 2 and month 6.
Prof. Ian said, based on the results of the investigation he has over 15 years since 1990 and distributed worldwide in 2006 injections of HPV vaccine for girls of 12 years seen as an appropriate age according to research in Australia.
"How the HPV vaccine is made, similar to how the HPV virus itself. Only in the formation of particles with no added DNA element," he explained.
Still, explains Prof. Ian once injection of HPV vaccines to keep immunity and protection against the threat of HPV in the next ten years. The vaccine can be given to women who are not yet sexually active and not to go through screening process first. But it is also a concern that the nature of the work of the HPV vaccine only limited to prevention, because the vaccine is not effective if administered to patients already infected.
"The success of this vaccine proved 100 percent and could prevent HPV types 16 and 18 when administered from the age of 12 years," said Chairman of the Cancer Council Australia.
During his visit to Indonesia, Professor Ian also did a documentary film entitled "Exposure to Cancer (Catching Cancer)." This movie contains the view of some cancer researchers at universities in Australia to the current problems and to discuss the treatment of cancer in Australia, with a duration of approximately one hour.