Red Rice Lower Diabetes Risk

The team of researchers from Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women `s Hospital to analyze approximately 200 000 adults aged 22 and found a fine white rice eating is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes type 2 is characterized by high levels of blood sugar that cause the body's inability to properly digest sugar and is often associated with obesity and poor nutrition.
These diseases can be controlled with diet and exercise, but probably still need the help of medication.
"In general, people should pay special attention and try your carb intake to replace refined carbohydrates such as white rice with a grain of wheat," said researcher Dr. Qi Sun told journalists, Reuters Health
U.S. dietary guidelines recommend at least half of the carbohydrates in the diet comes from wheat seeds.
More Americans are eating rice, Sun and his colleagues noted in their report published in Archives of Medicines.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, rice consumption increased by more than tripled since the 1930s.
However, the majority of rice consumed by Americans are soft white rice, which has been removed from fiber, vitamins and minerals during the purification process and more prone to blood sugar increases.
The researchers evaluated rice consumption and the risk of diabetes among 40 000 men and more than 157 000 women in these three long-term research.
In total, 10 507 of them suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Of the three studies, white rice consuming higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Researchers estimate that by replacing the white rice, which contributed one third of each day (50 grams) with brown rice can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes up to 16 percent.
They further estimated by replacing white rice with whole grain oats may reduce the risk by 36 percent.
Dom showed they had adjusted the various factors that may affect the results and conclusions remain valid while noting the possibility of eating more brown rice as a sign of a healthy lifestyle.
"We are adjusting factors such as body fat, smoking, physical activity and other dietary factors, and there remains a great influence. This means that what we're seeing is not the result of other factors," said Sun.