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Love Bones from the Early

Bone or skeleton is the maintainer of the body of vertebrates. Bones begin to form in the womb, continues until the second decade in a regular arrangement. Further bone formed at the age of about 30 years. After that, there is remodeling.

Bone is the largest reservoir of calcium and phosphate. As much as 99 percent of the amount of calcium in the body calcium in bone (1000 g). And phosphate in bone up to 90 percent of phosphate in the body.

Based on material form, the bone can be differentiated into cartilage (cartilage) and hard bone (bone / osteon). Cartilage is flexible and consists of cartilage cells (chondrocytes), matrix (kondirin) hialain excreted in the form of collagen. Hard bone formation originated from cartilage (derived from mesenchyme). Cartilage is a cavity filled by osteoblasts (bone-forming cells). Oseteoblas osteosit shape (bone). Each bone cells and blood vessels will be circular fibers form havares system. Matrix will be a hard bone calcium and phosphorus.

Hard bone itself is divided into three sections, pipe bone (eg tibia and ulna), flat bones (such as rib and sternum), and short bones (the bones of the palm of the hand and wrist). According to the location, the deeply divided two parts, the skull (head) and frame loss.

Menopause and osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by mass (weight), low bone and tissue damage in the bone. In Osteroporosis, a decrease in bone quality and quantity of bone density, while they have to fix kakuatan bone. That is why people with osteoporosis suffer from a simple fracture or break.

Which is then the question is what is the relationship between osteoporosis and menopause? Does menopause cause osteoporosis?

Menopause is the physiological cessation of menstrual cycles associated with the level of older women. A woman who experienced natural menopause at all can not know whether a given period is really a last menstrual period until one year has elapsed. Menopause is sometimes referred to as the change of life. Normal menopause occurs at age 40 years and older.

When a woman reaches the menopause, her ovaries function decreases, causing the production of two hormones, the hormone estrogen (estradiol and estrone, the hormone estrogen in the blood) and the hormone progesterone. One function of estrogen is to maintain normal levels of bone remodeling.

Some conditions that occur when estrogen levels drop, as changing the bone remodeling cycle, reducing the network started, and bone resorption exceeds bone formation leading to reduced bone mass. Trabecular bone is affected by this condition, because the turnover rate was high. These bones are very sensitive to the definition of estrogen, the trabecular bone thin and eventually perforated or separated from the surrounding tissue.

Over time, when pretty much bone, trabecular bone weakened disrupted. Decreased trabecular bone connection is one reason why weak bones that eventually cracked and broken.

During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone. But the ovaries are not the only source of estrogen. Adipose tissue (fat) to produce androstenedione yangn converted into estrogen. Generally, a reduced bone mass in women who are overweight and keep a higher fat content tend to be smaller than the menopause.

Effect of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women is very dramatic. As much as 75 percent of vertebral fractures and 50 percent of hip fractures suffered assumed that the result of a decrease in bone mass accompanied and preceded by the menopause.

Signs of menopausal women, such as joint pain, impaired concentration, headache, sweating at night, have a common condition that is usually found on the PMS (period), changes in sexual appetite, sweating, sleeplessness, often waking up too early , mood swings, Miss V was dry, and frequent urination.


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