Help Children From the Chains of Cigarettes

Mother cites modern research centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as saying, every day about 3600 children aged 12-17 years started smoking. The results of other studies that showed the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) has also been noticed that 90 percent of adult smokers, children tend to smoke. Certainly surprising fact is that our concerns and demands.
Danger lurking cigarettes not only adults but also attacking the health of children, both direct and long-term period. Smoking before, the greater the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other health problems. Smoking can also make children less physically fit, reduce the body's immune system and increase respiratory diseases.
As part of the commemoration of World No Snuff that falls every May 31, PT Pfizer Indonesia launched Break Free campaign which aims to motivate smokers who want to stop smoking. Regional Break-Free Campaign works with doctors, hospitals, government, media. and other relevant institutions in each country are doing this campaign. In addition, PT Pfizer Indonesia in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and has carried out a series of activities together to welcome the 2010 World No Snuff.
"Break Free Background campaign because we see a number of people who want to quit, often disconnected. Provide an integrated campaign of education to help them stop smoking, help smokers quit success rate," says the artist who was asked Irianti Erningpraja PT Pfizer Indonesia was one of the speakers at the launch of Break Free campaign with the theme "Spirit of freedom of the chains of nicotine addiction," in Cone, FX X'nter lifestyle , Jakarta, recently.
Irianti of adolescents also share your story, how you communicate with your children to be free from the shackles of cigarettes.
"When my son smokes, I smoke too. And she said, smoking is worth baseball Mom. If so, are also worth baseball, boy," he said storytelling.
According to the artist of this time the 80's, strong self-acceptance is the foundation of a child can not easily be persuaded to smoke. Section, children are often more interested in joining a gang as a teenager. And they tend to be more easily influenced by the norms, rules and customs that prevail in the gang.
"If our own self-acceptance has been strong, it will not be easily provoked. Therefore, there is no need to accompany someone else, when baseball slang smoking baseball, baseball, because we already have a place for our own energy, which does not need energy to others, "he said.
As for himself, admitted that includes artists who overcome adversity to live with fled to cigarettes.
"I do not choose to smoke because they believe that I did not need cigarettes to cope with the problem. We need to reflection and introspection to find out why we need a cigarette as a form of compensation. If we recognize the advantages and disadvantages of ourselves, we must also be able to motivate yourself to be free of nicotine, "she admits.
While Dr. T Ginting SpKJ Tribowo, Life medical specialists in the same opportunity to give a solution to help children who are addicted to cigarettes.
"We have to explain, even fear. In general, if you fear even want to try, I know. We give an explanation about the dangers of smoking. We give a new insight, if you want style, can be displayed through sport . Furthermore, we support, which was to quit smoking. We also provide positive impacts of their decisions, and not impose our argument for 'must stop, "he said.