Alert, Pre-eclampsia Can Cause Death!

Preeclampsia is a disease often found in pregnant women and remains a leading cause of death worldwide. In the United States, 1 / 3 of maternal deaths caused by preeclampsia. Similarly, in Indonesia.
Preeclampsia is intoxication in pregnancy. This usually occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy may also appear in the second quarter. Preeclampsia can occur in any pregnant women. Some conditions that have the possibility of experiencing pre-eclampsia, pregnancy is, first, twin pregnancy, pregnant women with diabetes, pregnant women with a history of hypertension, has a problem with the kidneys, and also first woman who was pregnant at the age of 20 years over 35 years.
The risk of preeclampsia is also elevated in pregnancy, the mother who already had experienced preeclampsia in previous pregnancies. If not handled properly and quickly, soon become preeclampsia or eclampsia, which is infection and bleeding. And that could be fatal.
Factors Causes and symptoms
Almost all pregnant women may suffer from preeclampsia. According to Dr. Yunus SPOG Omni International Hospital Mufti of Serpong, Tangerang, the biggest risk factor for the first time the mother was pregnant at the age of 20 years. "Preeclampsia can occur in women undergoing pregnancy at the age of 30-35 years and women who suffer from obesity," he said.
Pre-eclampsia can also occur in conditions of multiple pregnancies and pregnancies distance, about 10 years. Preeclampsia is also often linked with a genetic factor. There are many symptoms that arise. Sometimes these symptoms are often considered to be fair. One of them is headache due to hypertension, especially if the pregnancy has reached the age of 20 weeks.
"Usually the mother will experience headache very often," he said.
In this case we found increases in blood pressure at 130/90 mmHg. The swelling in the foot and leg. In a more serious condition, the swelling occurs throughout the body due to capillary leak, as water seeps that form part of the cell and tissues of the body, and buried in a particular section.
"The examination found high levels of protein in urine due to kidney disorders," he said.
In some cases there are also symptoms were blurred vision and sensitivity to light. The mother was also a frequent upper abdominal pain, usually under the ribs on the right, accompanied by nausea. Weight gain of more than 1.36 kg per week during the second quarter and more than 0.45 kg per week during the third quarter.
Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis is confirmed by patient history and examination. "If the examination revealed the conditions as mentioned above, I was sure that the mother suffered from preeclampsia," he explained. Melliputi examination tests of blood, urine and kidney tests.
When the mother suffered only mild preeclampsia, this condition does not always require medication, but only a routine pregnancy test. The administration of drugs or supplements are not guaranteed to prevent the mother from preeclampsia, but helps control the condition of the mother. But if preeclampsia is more serious, the mother was advised complete bed rest or may be recommended to run the hospital for treatment, in general, conditions should be monitored to further research in blood pressure and baby's development.
Treatment depends on the gestational age and proximity to the approximate birth. When preeclampsia occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will take immediate action to remove the baby. But if eclampsia occurs in early pregnancy, doctors try to prolong the pregnancy until the baby is deemed to have been strong enough to be born.
When I was around the time of childbirth and the baby is considered sufficiently developed, the doctor will suggest to remove the baby as soon as possible.
"But it's good if the mother is undergoing treatment at the hospital before delivery to avoid the worst risks," she said.
Remember, do not let the mother has a seizure. If not, the problem grows. If conditions worsen, will affect the functioning of the heart, liver and lungs that can cause death. If the mother's general condition worsened, doctors will soon carry out an induction or cesarean delivery and speed to rescue the mother and baby.
Can Normal
Many people assume that pregnant women experience preeclampsia can not give birth normally. Especially in the case of severe preeclampsia. But it was not entirely correct. Pregnant women suffering from preeclampsia could give birth to a condition of normal pregnancy and birth is sufficient to see the maturity of the mother's cervix.
"What must be considered for patients with preeclampsia who want natural childbirth, which continue to occur and seizures oksigenisasi. And, most importantly, the administration of medications for hypertension," he said.
Since the exact cause of preeclampsia is unknown, early prevention can be done is to ensure regular inspection every month so that the development of weight and maternal blood pressure can be adequately controlled. Therefore, it is urged pregnant women to check themselves to see a doctor regularly to treat this disease early. Certainly the mother's diet should also be considered, because obesity can also be a cause of preeclampsia. The mothers should have a healthy diet a balanced diet. Ideally, the diet has been in place since the pregnancy before pregnancy or when planning.